中国博彩平台 faculty present at Lilly-Austin conference

Annual event focuses on evidence-based teaching and learning

Ganguli Subhadra, 商业助理教学教授; Laura Cruz, research professor at the Schreyer Institute of Teaching Excellence; and Maung Min, associate teaching professor and director of business programs, 中国博彩平台, presented at the 2024 Lilly-Austin Conference for Teaching and Learning in Austin, 德州.



宾州中央谷. — Penn State was well-represented at the recent Lilly-Austin conference, one of the most highly-regarded academic events focused on evidence-based teaching and learning. 教师 from three Penn State Commonwealth Campuses — 利哈伊谷, 费耶特和谢南戈做了演讲.

中国博彩平台的教职员工Maung Min, associate teaching professor and director of business programs, 和下哈德拉恒河, 商业助理教学教授, 与劳拉·克鲁兹合作, research professor at the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence at University Park, on “The How and the What: Integrating Sustainable Decision-Making Across the Business Curriculum.” Their presentation focused on students’ approaches to sustainability when making decisions. Min and Cruz had been working on the correlation between sustainable decision making and sustainability for over a year. Ganguli approached the topic from an economic standpoint.

“What didn’t happen was trying to link sustainability and decision making within businesses across disciplines,冈古里说。. “这个项目做了什么, and what Maung and I wanted to do in three of our courses, was to see how our students are going to think about sustainability in the first place. We didn’t want to influence what they thought about it.”

Min and Ganguli distributed a survey to students in their MGMT 301, 经济学102和经济学104课程, 分别, 一开始收集中国博彩平台, and a second follow-up survey at the end of each of the three courses with the same questions to determine whether students’ outlooks on the topic changed.

“The follow up basically asked, ‘What’s your opinion now?’ That was our whole point of doing it,冈古里说。. “Is there a change in how they’re thinking and acting about sustainability after doing this course? 我们都知道我们应该做什么——回收利用, 不要乱扔垃圾——但如果你遇到这种情况, do you have the willingness or ability to bring about change, 而不是告诉别人他们应该做什么?”


“There are some areas where there are significant changes, 但更少的是他们如何采取行动,冈古里说。. "What they thought about it changed drastically; how they are going to act on it was still unclear. That’s what we now need to work on — how we can become sustainable in the decision-making process.”

This was Min’s first time attending the Lilly-Austin conference, though he had previously attended this event in other cities.

“It’s one of the preeminent conferences that deals with teaching and learning," he said. "We meet a lot of very well-known people doing research in the areas of teaching and learning, 这是一个关键的原因,为什么参加是如此有益. We also pick up some nuggets that we can use in our own teaching.”

Ganguli admitted their topic of sustainability and decision-making is a challenge in that not much work has been done on how to engage students.

“It’s clear students are not thinking holistically about sustainability,她说. “这是一个由环境组成的三条腿的凳子, profits and people — it’s almost impossible to get undergraduate students to think about it when there is so much uncertainty. This collaboration helped us to think that we have to approach sustainable decision-making for our students differently."

As sustainability was not a major focus of the conference, Ganguli said attending the conference was valuable for addressing various pedagogical challenges.

“There were many sessions which were really helpful — in fact, among the top two or three things I learned was around community engagement and asking our students to make a difference in their communities,她说. "I met with scholars who are big influencers in the community engagement space. There were also some great sessions focused on particular ways of thinking in a classroom that are not necessarily teaching or discussing, 而是“设计思维”.’ We picked up lots of new ideas to use in the classroom.”
